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Chapter 5

After about an hour of dead silence and boredom while waiting for our Capital Ships to get into position, the Strike Craft burned their way into the station's sensor range and engaged the Tiiadani fighters. As the Interceptors weaved in and out of the other fighters, and corvettes it almost looked like an intricate dance that involved many, many individuals. As more and more Tiiadani ships went to destroy all of Kiirt's diversionary attack the Ion Frigates, Destroyers, and Heavy Cruisers, and Kadeshi Swarmers went in to take-out the big boats guarding the shipyard, so there wouldn't be anything left to distract them later.

20 of our 24 Interceptors returned along with all 24 or our Multi-gun Corvettes, and 23 Heavy Corvettes. As the last few enemy bogies were being shot down the fighters docked with the Support Frigates to get refueled and repaired incase some determined (or crazy) Tiiadans would rather die, killing a bunch of us instead of just dieing.

Finally, after about an hour of pecking at the Capital Ships around the station the last Destroyer was nothing more than a hunk of smoldering pieces of super-heated shrapnel, and a memory. We brought every gun we had to bear down on the space station. But something just didn't settle right with General Sjet.

"I don't know… I just can't shake this feeling I have. It's kind of like there's something we don't know, something I can't quite put my finger on."

"Well, sir, the crews don't like being here anymore than you do. So lets wipe this piece of shit from existence and get out of here."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Lt.. All ships within firing range of that station fire at will, and don't let up until it's been blown to a billion pieces!"

As the enormous turrets of the Heavy Cruisers turned to face the shipyard, and the Ion Frigates rotated to do the same, theΒ Khar-Toba II's sensors picked up a giant fleet coming out of hyperspace. Both Tiiadani, and Turanic Raider ships were heading our way. All that was heard were a couple gasps for air, and a bunch of eyes widening so much that it looked like they would fall out of their sockets.

Screeching over the comm.-systems of all the Kushan, and Kadeshi vessels came an accented voice that was known to all as the Tiiadan.

"If your fleet does not stand down we will be forced to eradicate you from existence!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

"Then your fate is sealed."