Strike Craft
Fiirkan Mk.2
Standard Fiirkan, various engine upgrades, along with a PDA unit to produce new rounds. Upgraded barrels and firepower increases.
Upper spine mounted concealed energy cannon.
(Mounted above and further back from cockpit)
Raachok Mk.2
Standard Raachok, fitted with wing-mounted hard points and a rear turret small mass driver.
Raachok Alternate
Variant of Raachok, equipped with dual "Defender class" mass drivers and central mini-sensor dish.
Triikor Mk.2
Standard Triikor with second cannon addition
Triikor MK.2 Custom (Heavy Variant, Qu'jets fighter)
Triikor chassis enlarged and fitted onto Light Corvette chassis. Fitted w/ miniaturized Heavy Corvette engine. Has belly medium missile pack (launches 4 at a time, stores 8). Two side hardpoints for energy pulse guns. Two additional light plasma bomb launchers. Fuselage mounted small ion pulse beam.
Sajuuk Class Missile corvette.
Standard Taiidani Heavy Corvette, utilizing dual missile packs placed parallel to cockpit. Each pack launches 6 missiles, possesses internal production. (storage for 24 light missiles)
Skaal-Tel Mk.2
Standard Skaal-Tel, instead with four bow mounted ion beams, upgrading of turret mounts to heavy energy cannons. Two plasma bomb launchers, one on top of the other, between quad-set ion cannons.
Kudaark Assault Frigate Mk.2
Addition of medium mount turret between admidships and front bow (medium mount=two gun). Plasma bomb launchers upgraded for faster launch-time. Four turrets upgraded to use mag-lev servos for faster tracking.
Qwaar-jet Heavy Cruiser Mk.2
[Specs not availible at this time]
Saarkin-Cho Upgraded
[also not availible]
Saarkin-Cho Taiidani Marine carrier
Standard Saarkin-Cho, equipped for boarding actions and ground wars. Carries assault shuttles, transports, barracks, ground force PDAs, flank launched breach pods. Also carries salvage corvettes.
Goddess class super-carrier/mother ship
Heavily enlarged Saarkin-Cho chassis sandwiched between two Imperators, the resultant craft is widened out and lengthened. The flight bay is a "mouth", surrounded by bulkheads and corridors. Side hangars as well. Bow flight bay is only way to produce heavy cruisers. Moderate safety hazard for production of heavy cruisers.
Cannot launch strike craft from bow flight bay when heavy cruiser is being launched, moderate safety risks. Plans are to upgrade the flight bay to be wider and allow for launchings, even though it is already possible to launch and recover fighters in battle conditions while producing heavy cruisers.
The Goddess also possesses three shorter "spines" like the Skaal-Tel. Surfaces possess several heavy turret mounts, ion beam mounts, missile bays and AA hardpoints.
Goddesses are insanely expensive, only one has been produced to this date. There are no plans for further production. TIN Venus Flytrap has performed at/beyond standard expectations, plans for revisions and upgrades are already underway.
TIFnet Strike craft upgrades already in mass production. Capital ships upgraded will be fielded a few years later.
Unbound Vessels
Bentusi Battle sphere: Insanely huge version of Nomad Moon. Studded with dozens of super-powerful long range heavy ion cannons, along with many high temperature laser beam weapons.
Bentusi Wheel-Spoke: Can be imaged as a old wheel with spokes. Each intersection of spoke and wheel possesses a weapons hardpoint. Power can be channeled throughout the points of the wheel into the center, where it is discharged directily forward, resulting in a pseudo-siege cannon blast. Power can also be channeled to the top and bottom sections of the wheel (top and bottom if viewed "lying down". As such the top and bottom sections can discharge their energy in a flak cannon-esque way. (See the blue Vree saucer from Babylon 5)
Bentusi Ringship: I'm not gonna go there...
Bentusi Tradeship: Lovable Horseshoe ship.
Tiamat Starfish: You know already!
Tiamat Crabship: Some other guys creation, still won't go there.
Title by blackjack
To all the people who posted back, including feedback (relic boards) : crobato, ceejayoz, blackjack, The Langy Mutant Dwarf, Vaarok, Green-3, The Commodore, zDefiant1, Lybra, and Greenstone. (These are in no particular order, and to all the others fanfic people who inspired me to try something new and write this) Thanks to "Ben Tusi" (Relic Forums) for the Goddess class carrier (the concept was for a upgraded version of the Saarkin-Cho, which is Saarkin-Cho mk2. Goddess class I took up a notch and turned into mothership.) Also credited for the concept of the acryonym TIF and TIFnet (Taiidani Imperial Forces network)
Thanks Especially to:
Guys at Sierra for publishing
The programmers at Relic & Barking Dog for making these two games possible
And thanks to the Well of Souls Homeworld shipyards site, for initiating my Homeworld indoctrination.
(All trademarks belong to their respective owners. I am not challenging these trademarks. Homeworld trademark of Sierraβ¦)